Flexible ultrasound system

MyLab Six is a complete cart-based system that can be used across a broad range of applications from cardiovascular to general imaging and women’s health. It comes with highly advanced CV features, including Compass M-Mode, Tissue Velocity Mapping, Stress Echo, XStrain and QIMT – combining to ensure complete confidence in any diagnosis. The system offers a premium yet affordable solution to customers in terms of performance, flexibility of applications and mobility. Easy workflow options and automation of key options maximize patient throughput without compromising image quality or diagnostic confidence. MyLab Six has been designed with the comfort of the user as a key priority. The rotating keyboard can easily be made higher or lower according to user preference. Similarly, an articulated arm for the screen increases comfort, as well as enabling the sharing of results with a patient or colleague quickly and easily. Ergonomic features include appleprobes

Supplier: Esaote Group

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