ProADM measurement as risk predictor in LRTI patients

An early risk assessment of lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) patients is essential for optimizing treatment and rational resource allocation. Adrenomedullin (ADM) has a significant presence in the course of LRTI and is strongly associated with a patient’s risk of mortality and severe complications. ADM reflects a patient’s risk profile while its elevation is independent of the LRTI etiology. A robust method to assess ADM levels is the measurement of a stable surrogate marker, the midregional fragment of ProAdrenomedullin (MR-proADM). The only available automated immunoassay is from Thermo Fisher Scientific. Biomarkers are an additional or alternative tool to improve prognostic accuracy of clinical scores such as Pneumonia Severity Index (PSI), C(U)RB etc. The validation of new biomarkers showed that ProArenomedullin performed best as a prognostic marker reflecting severity and prognosis, particularly if combined with clinical risk scores. Directly reflective of ADM production in a 1:1 ratio and well documented for clinical use, the measurement of ProADM (MR-proADM) by immunoassay provides results that are rapidly available to aid timely clinical decision-making. The assay features small sample volume (26μL) and measurement in EDTA plasma.

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific

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