Spectral CT scanner

Representing an evolution of the original detector-based IQon Spectral CT scanner, the IQon Elite advances the capabilities of its predecessor through a series of key benefits that support emergency/trauma department care and oncology care. This new configuration provides a number of enhanced features, including faster reconstruction speeds and better visualization of bone marrow pathology which increases diagnostic confidence within emergency and trauma departments, providing the opportunity to reduce the need for subsequent scans. The system’s ability to estimate electron density provides enhanced tissue characterization. IQon Elite’s faster reconstruction speeds have been shown to enable up to 200 CT patients per day. This is an important benchmark for healthcare facilities experiencing a high volume of patients, especially in the emergency department where CT can be a commonly-used imaging modality.  The system’s new radiation therapy planning couch and bariatric table top allow larger patients to be scanned with increased positioning controls, providing greater clinical breadth.

Supplier: Philips Medical Systems

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